Monday, July 14, 2014

The God of my Life

In my short life I have been privileged to get to know some amazing saints of God. Some of those saints were missionaries who served God in foreign countries, some were pastors preaching the word faithfully, while others were laypeople serving God faithfully through their local Church. Many of these Saints have gone on to Heaven. Yesterday God delivered a powerful message through my Pastor Dr. Dickerson from Psalms 42 called "the God of my Life". It set me to thinking about many of the Saints I have known who are in Heaven now. I realized that these Saints had left a legacy behind with their lives that tells us that the one true God was the God of their life. It made me ask the question if my time came to go, or if your time came to go would we, would those that know us, be able to see that God was indeed the God of my life? Or would we look back on our lives and see that we served another god (the god of money, prestige, fame, selfish desires, etc,…)?

Then I thought well what about right now? Can you or I say that God is "God of our life" right now? Do we pant after him as the deer pants after water? Does our soul thirst for God as the Psalmist did? The psalmist in Chapter 42 was in despair yet his faith in God still held strong he still longed for and panted after God and sought him through fervent prayer.

What a challenge! To Serve God as "the God of my Life" through thick and thin. When life is at its best or at its worst. I pray that I will serve God faithfully and keep him God of my life that others may see Him and I pray that you would endeavor to do the same.

Lord help us, help me, to keep you as "the God of my Life" never serving or setting another god before you. Help us, help me, to thirst for you more, seeking you fervently always having faith in you my God!