Friday, February 3, 2012

Being a Christian

Many that profess to know Christ believe that that is all there is to Christianity. But God says otherwise. In Romans 12:1-2 He begs the believer to be a living sacrifice to Him. This means to give up your own self desires that this world and the lust of the flesh would have you pursue after and to pursue instead after the things of God, to live for Him and Him alone. God commands us to be "doers of the Word and not hearers only" James 1:22. Why? because we are to be Holy as God is Holy I Peter 1:16. We are His representatives in this world because we carry His name. So be careful what you say and do. For many times we are the "bible" that people around us "read" that tells them wither God is really who they have been told that He is. When they see us living as we please not caring about the things of God. They are less inclined to listen to the Holy Spirit because in their mind they can say "Yes I know I need something I don't know what but those folk that say they are Christians sure don't look like they have it. So that must not be what I need."
Again be careful how you live your life, so that your life does not mar His name in the eyes of those around you. Speak plainly in both word and deed that others may hear and see your manner of life and have no excuse to refuse God's Wonderful plan of Salvation.

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